Elderly couple held hostage while raiders searched for valuables
By Mary Dennehy
AN ELDERLY couple were last week held hostage for nearly 20 minutes in their Tallaght home, while masked raiders searched their premises for valuables.
The Echo understands that two or three men entered the home through the back door between 10.30pm and 10.45pm, remaining on the premises, which is located in the Tallaght Village area, for between 15 and 20 minutes.
The victims, both in their seventies, were forcibly held in a room while their house was searched for cash and valuables – a traumatic situation which has left both victims shaken.
A Garda source told The Echo: “The burglars took a variety of items, including jewellery, and we are currently awaiting a list of missing items from the occupiers.
“The couple were not constrained or injured, but they were forcibly held in a room for the duration of the raid.
“Obviously they have been left quite traumatised by the experience and Gardaí are appealing to anybody who was in the vicinity of Tallaght Village on July 29, and who saw anything suspicious, to come forward.”
The source added: “We are unsure if two or three people entered the house.
“They all had their faces covered and no prints have been recovered.
“We are currently harvesting CCTV from the area which will hopefully feed into the investigation.”
When asked if any weapons were used in the raid, the senior Garda source said: “We cannot confirm or deny if any weapons were used.
“This was a very traumatic experience for those involved and we are still gathering information.”
Gardaí have taken this opportunity to remind people to be vigilant with their home security at all times and to ensure that all windows and doors are locked when in the house at night – and if a door has double locks to use them.
Officers have also encouraged people in the Tallaght Village area on the night to contact Tallaght Garda Station on 6666000 or the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111.