Fifty years a-growing sets the celebrations moving
Residents from Rathlawns Estate enjoying the celebrations

Fifty years a-growing sets the celebrations moving

A LOCAL estate held a celebration to commemorate its 50th anniversary on Sunday, July 14.

Rathlawns Estate, Rathcoole will be 50 years old in October and the residents decided to mark the occasion.

“We had a few deaths recently and people were sad, so I thought wouldn’t it be lovely to have a Mass to celebrate the deceased,” said Kathleen Daly, resident.

However Kathleen was keen to emphasise that the organisation of the event was a collective effort by the residents.

“They all chipped in, we all done it,” said Kathleen.

The celebration was a lovely event, according to Kathleen.

“We had the Mass on the green, Fr Bernard McCay Morrissey, who is chaplain to the Air Corps, said the Mass,” said Kathleen.

“We also had the Rams playing at the Mass and for a couple of hours afterwards.

“Although it rained, we still celebrated.

“We had teas, coffees, sandwiches and refreshments and we had a DJ who played until 8,” said Kathleen.

“It was a lovely lift,” she added.

Most of the people who moved into the estate 50 years ago were from Dublin, Kathleen explained.

“People moved in from Newcastle and Rathcoole and the surrounding areas, everyone sort of knew everyone, there have been a few people who have moved out and some who have moved in over the years,” said Kathleen.

There is a great sense of camaraderie amongst the residents of the estate, according to Kathleen.

“They’re a great bunch of residents, everyone is there for everyone when needed,” she added.

Kathleen was also keen to thank all the residents for their help regarding the celebration.

“A big thank you to all the residents who helped out, everyone helped out and thanks to everybody for coming, it was great to see such a lovely turnout,” said Kathleen.

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