How to keep your pet cool in hot weather…
It is important to ensure that pets have plenty of fresh, clean drinking water and access to shade from heat (Image: ISPCA)

How to keep your pet cool in hot weather…

AS TEMPERATURES are forecast to rise this weekend, the ISPCA has reminded people to keep their pets cool and hydrated.

According to the Irish Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA), it will be very important over the coming days to ensure that pets have plenty of fresh, clean drinking water and access to shade from heat.

ISPCA Public Relations Manager, Carmel Murray said: “Refresh and refill your pets water dish more often than on a normal day and keep it in the shade.

“You can also add ice cubes to your pet’s water to keep it cool and avoid using steel bowls as they will absorb the heat.

“Ensure they have access to shade, and keep them indoors in cooler rooms when the heat becomes too extreme.

“It is best to walk dogs early in the morning and late in the evening when the sun is less strong, and temperatures are cooler.

“Before walking test, the asphalt or concrete surface you plan to walk your pet on with the back of your hand.

“Dogs have sensitive paw pads and can burn their feet. If it’s too hot for your hand, it’s likely too hot for their feet!”.

The ISPCA said that heatstroke can be dangerous or fatal to pets and have encouraged people to know the warning signs – excessive panting, increased heart rate, dry or pale gums, weakness, stupor or collapse.

To avoid overheating, try not to overexert your pet and keep in mind that older, overweight, animals with heart and lung conditions, and flat faced pets such as pugs or Persian cats are more susceptible to overheating.

If you do notice the signs of overheating, it is important to act quickly and…

Move your pet to a cooler area
Spray with cool (not cold) water
Give your pet small amounts of cool (not cold) water to drink
Contact your vet immediately

The ISPCA has also reminded people to never leave pets alone in a parked vehicle.

Even parking in the shade and leaving the windows cracked open during hot weather is not effective enough to cool the inside of a car, the ISPCA said.

If the temperature outside is 22°C, the inside of a car can reach 47°C.

On a day that is 30°C or hotter, the inside of the car can reach fatal temperatures in under ten minutes.

Dogs in particular are at risk because they have no sweat glands and try to cool themselves by panting.

If the air becomes too hot, they are unable to regulate their body temperatures.

Further information on the ISPCA’s website HERE.

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