Man stabbed in Tallaght during terrifying aggravated burglary

Man stabbed in Tallaght during terrifying aggravated burglary

A man was stabbed in Tallaght last night during a terrifying aggravated burglary at a home in Springfield.

The incident occurred on Alderwood Green, and was reported to Gardai at around midnight.

IMG 3562

It is believed three men, armed with knives, gained entry to the rented property.

In a statement released to, a Garda spokesperson said: “A man received stab wound injuries to his hand by one of the three men who broke into the house.

“A number of items were stolen during the course of the burglary.

“The man, who is in his 30s, was taken to Tallaght Hospital.

“No arrests have been made and the investigation is on-going”

Gardai remain at the scene this morning where a technical examination is taking place.

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