Mother of two appeals for help to battle MS

Mother of two appeals for help to battle MS

By Mary Dennehy

Wendy 02A TALLAGHT mother-of-two diagnosed with primary progressive multiple sclerosis is seeking the community’s support in raising more than €60,000 for treatment – which can help halt the deterioration of her condition. 

Wendy Johnston (40), who lives in Old Bawn with her daughters Megan (20) and Holly (10), was sent for an MRI last September after she experienced a number of symptoms, including a loss of power in her leg and arm and blurred vision in her left eye.

During the MRI, lesions were spotted on Wendy’s brain and spine, with a lumbar puncture in January confirming that the active young mother had primary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) – a type of MS which patients do not get remission from. 
“Once I got the diagnosis, I steadily started to get worse,” Wendy said. 
“It was hard hearing the news especially because I am really active and do yoga, run and had just done my exams to be a gymnastics coach. 
“Apart from the symptoms I was experiencing on and off, I was feeling fit and healthy.” 
Wendy, who is a special needs assistant, added: “What struck me even more was that there is no treatment for primary progressive MS in Ireland, so I started to do my research and discovered a very successful treatment that is being done in Mexico, Russia and other countries.”
The treatment that Wendy is hoping to receive is called hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and involves a person’s immune system being totally stripped back with high doses of chemotherapy and then the replacement of their own stem cells. 
Wendy stressed that, in cases of progressive MS, the treatment cannot reverse any damage done before the procedure, but that it can halt the progression of the condition. 
“Even though I suffer with pain regularly and get tired from fighting MS, I can still get out and about and keep active”, she said. 
“I can live my life with the symptoms I now experience but cannot face the very real prospect of spending the rest of my life in a wheelchair or a nursing home and being totally dependent on other people. 
“There have been remarkable successes from this treatment and while there have been a small number of deaths, I am willing to take the risk for myself and my girls.” 
Wendy, who is trying to take control of her condition by adopting a strict diet and exercise regime until she can travel for treatment, has invited members of the community to support her trust fund. 
The treatment costs in the region of €50,000 with the added expense of having to stay in Mexico for a six-week duration process. 
To support Wendy visit the Wendy’s Hope to Halt MS Facebook page or donate to Bank of Ireland, Tallaght, account name Sarah Johnston and Carolyn Johnston, number 94369959 and sort code 90 13 43.
Wendy wished to thank those who have supported her fundraising efforts to date, especially Sean Sherlock who printed the sponsor cards and Dave from DC Print who has offered to cover any printing needs.
Wendy has also invited the community to attend a benefit night in the Postal Club on the Kiltipper Road this September 12.

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