Mystery about Traders pub buyer’s identity
By Brendan Grehan
SPECULATION abounds as to the identity of the purchaser of the Traders pub in Walkinstown.
The Landmark pub was owned by the Louis Fitzgerald Group and was sold at a recent Allsop auction for €1,000,000.
One source in the pub trade told The Echo that the purchaser is an investor who intends to knock down the pub and develop the site. Another rumour is that the purchaser is the owner of a music venue in the city centre.
Local Councillor Dermot Looney told The Echo that it was crucial that any development at the Traders or McHughs gives a real boost to our local community.
He added: “Nobody objects to appropriate housing as long as it is accompanied by much-needed community and commercial services. Community and commercial services such as a large shop, post office and pharmacy will add life and allow our community thrive again”.
Three months ago, Louis Fitzgerald told The Echo that he was putting the pub on the market as it is no longer a fit with the Fitzgerald group’s portfolio.
Mr Fitzgerald said: “The Trader’s is a great pub with great staff but I have decided to sell it on due to the fact that it’s not fitting in with our current portfolio. The pubs in our group are all veering towards food.”
Locally, the group own An Poitin Stil in Rathcoole, Finches and The Laurels in Clondalkin, The Old Mill in Tallaght, The Palmerstown House, The Penny Hill and Carroll’s in Lucan, and The Marble Arch in Drimnagh.
The Traders is a landmark public house and was sold together with three retail units. The pub is situated in a prominent roadside location at the junction of St. James Road and Limekiln Green and provides frontage to three separate roads.
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