Packed line-up for Tallafest’15 in the heart of the village
By Laura Lyne
TALLAFEST takes over Tallaght Village this Saturday, and a packed line-up of fun events for the entire family to enjoy will take place from 12.30pm, in the heart of the village.
A bake-off competition for creative foodies, including adults and under 12s, will take place at the Tallaght Community Council stall in the Priory car park at 1pm.
A scarecrow competition for both adults and children taking place at 1pm in the Priory car park to celebrate the nature of Tallaght, and a guided nature walk of the private gardens in the Priory with Christopher Moriarty will also take place.
Kasia will hold her Crafty Mummy workshop in the Priory car park at 1.45pm and 3pm for all the crafty and creative parents and relatives to enjoy.
A chance to learn about local history and heritage will also be presented by Aidan Cruise, who will give a history lecture on the Blessington Steam Tram that used to run through Tallaght Village in the Priory Hall at 3pm.
Local historian Tomas Maher will also guide a village heritage tour beginning at the steps of the Priory at 1pm, with well-known and celebrated local author Louise Phillips hosting a creative writing workshop for adults in St Maelruain’s Church at 1.30pm (maximum registration of 15 people).
Local yoga teacher Robbie Dowdall will also give a demonstration on outdoor yoga at 2pm for all the sport lovers in attendance.
Tallaght Community Council would also like to remind everyone that Main Street will be closed to traffic this Saturday due to the festival.
The main festival areas will be Main Street, The Priory and St Maelruains, and event times may vary depending on local weather conditions.
All children who attend on the day must be accompanied by an adult, and drinking alcohol on the street will be strictly prohibited.
Everyone who attends Tallafest 2015 is asked to co-operate with the gardai and voluntary stewards who are in attendance on the day.
Most importantly, everyone is invited to have fun as they celebrate the nature, history, arts and culture of Tallaght!
Pre-registering for events is now closed. For the line-up of events see below or visit
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