Plans lodged for 635 residential units
A PLANNING application for a 635-unit, mixed-tenure residential development in Killinarden and Kiltalown, Tallaght, has been submitted to South Dublin County Council.
Other aspects of the plan include the development of an extensive ecological planting area, public parks and a new sports pitch all on a site that the applicant has called The Foothills.
The Arden Team DAC, comprising Ó Cualann Cohousing Alliance, Sisk Living and Kelland Homes, lodged the application under the Large Residential Development (LRD) scheme on December 22 last.
LRD legislation replaces the old Strategic Housing Development (SHD) system, which allowed developers to bypass local authorities and submit planning applications directly to An Bord Pleanála.
The proposal is for the construction of residential units comprising 383 affordable units, 129 social units and 123 private units.
The residential development will consist of 434 houses (one one-bed, two two-beds, 407 three-beds, 24 four-beds), 165 duplexes and 36 apartments (18 one-bed and 18 two-bed units).
All residential units are provided with associated private gardens, balconies or terraces, and the proposal also includes a community centre to be located at Elder Park.
A local centre containing a creche, retail/commercial units and an additional ground floor commercial/retail/café unit is also proposed along Main Avenue adjoining Horan’s Square.
Provision of a new street network with vehicular, pedestrian and cyclist connections to adjoining public roads (Blessington Road (N81), Killinarden Heights, Hazelgrove, Horan’s Lane/Killinarden Road) and associated junction improvements and additional pedestrian/cyclist facilities is included.
Provision of 918 car parking spaces and 1,130 cycle parking spaces in total also forms part of the proposal.
A number of public parks and open spaces throughout the development including Elder Park, the Foothills Way, West Park and a number of urban parks and pocket parks within are included. Permission is also being sought for an extensive ecological planting area south of the Foothills Way, and amendments to the northern portion of the existing sports facility adjoining Elder Park to facilitate a new dedicated car park and new sports pitch.
Third-party submissions on the planning application can be made until February 3, while a decision from the council is due by February 24.