Principal appointed for new Kingswood secondary school
By Brendan Grehan
THE DUBLIN and Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board has announced Ms Deborah Dunne as the principal of the new Kingswood Community College. Ms Dunne is currently principal of Greenhills College.
The appointment has been welcomed by local councillor Charlie O’Connor. Mr O’Connor told The Echo: “I warmly welcome the announcement. I think it is a very good appointment.
“She is local to the community and will know the local community. She has been a great success in Greenhills College. I think it will also be warmly welcomed by the local community. It is a very good appointment.”
The Echo was unable to contact Ms Dunne as we went to press. Enrolments are now being taken for first year entry in September 2016. Enrolment forms are available from
Mr O’Connor also welcomed confirmation that the DDETB is planning to hold an information meeting with local residents/parents on Monday, Nov 30 at 8.30pm in the Kingswood Community Centre to promote the school in Kingswood Heights.
Planning permission for the school was granted recently and Mr O’Connor sought an update on the plans from Jan O’Sullivan TD Minister for Education.
The Minister stated that “the major building project for the Second Level School is currently at an advanced stage of Architectural Planning – Stage 2b (Detailed Design) which includes the applications for Planning Permission, Fire Cert, Disability Access Cert and the preparation of Tender Documents. This project is included on the current 5-year construction programme announced in 2012.”
Mr O’Connor stated that the Minister has confirmed it is the intention of The Dept of Education and the DDETB to open the school in September 2016 in temporary accommodation.
This proposal is attracting attention in the area and Mr O’Connor told The Echo that he has brought this matter to the attention of the ETB and has asked that full consultation take place with the local community.