Student World Fair set to take place this weekend
By Echo Reporter
How will you stand out from the crowd after you finish your degree? For most students, studying abroad is a nice idea, but for students who wish to broaden their horizons, experience a new culture, develop a new language, gain a better understanding of global issues and have an adventure of a lifetime, studying a full degree in English abroad makes perfect sense!
Whilst studying abroad is seen to be an opportunity to develop career related skills, it is also the perfect occasion to experience life! Living in a completely new environment will test your understanding of the World and how others might see it differently!
There are over 10,000 universities in the world; you aren’t confined to the ones in Ireland! Choosing the right university and course can feel daunting at first.
This is where The Student World helps you. The Student World offer advice and support to students who are interested, or even just a bit curious, about studying overseas.
We have our Study Abroad Fair at the RDS Dublin, on Saturday 12th March, with over 30 universities from all over the world on hand to answer your questions about studying abroad – there’s something for everyone!
For more information, and to register for your FREE tickets, please visit
You can study, travel and live in another country and become a citizen of the world – it all starts with The Student World Fair! See you there!