Welcome to Tallaght community directory is now on the shelves

Welcome to Tallaght community directory is now on the shelves

Mary Dennehy

AN UPDATED Welcome to Tallaght directory has been published due to huge demand, with residents and community services encouraged to pick up a copy of the coveted directory before it vanishes off the shelves.

Produced by Tallaght Citizens Information Centre, this is the third edition of the community directory – with the 7,000 copies printed in 2011 gone out of circulation before the arrival of 2013.

Tallaght directory IMG 0377

Due to demand from the public and a need for a community directory in the area, a new, updated edition of Welcome to Tallaght was launched on Wednesday – with copies of the free directory currently available from the Tallaght Citizens Information Service.

First published in 2005, the directory originally targeted new residents in Tallaght.

However, due to the number of community groups, organisations and services within the area, the directory appealed to both new and old Tallaght residents.

Vikki Long, Manager of Tallaght Citizens Information Centre, told The Echo: “There are more than 400 not-for-profit community groups, organisations and services in the directory, which is a great reflection of the amazing organisations that we have here in Tallaght.

“Due to the size of Tallaght and the sheer number of services, it’s hard for people to know what is available to them on their doorstep.

“The directory brings all of these services together and really drives home the number of quality services that we have here in Tallaght – we had no difficulty filling the directory pages.”

Based in Hainault House beside The Square shopping centre, the Tallaght Citizens Information Centre dealt with nearly 25,000 queries last year – across areas such as social welfare, health, employment, housing, justice, education and training and moving country.

The centre’s new edition of Welcome to Tallaght, which was funded by the Citizens Information Board and South Dublin County Council, was officially launched at an event on Wednesday, attended by County Mayor Sarah Holland.

Anybody who would like a copy of the new, free directory, which was printed by local company Graph Print, is encouraged to drop into Tallaght Citizens Information Centre or visit www.tallaghtinfo.com for an online version.


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