Young man allegedly hit by stolen car in housing estate
RESIDENTS say their worst fears have been realised after a young man was allegedly hit by a stolen car in Harelawn over the weekend.
The incident was witnessed by a number of people in the area shortly after midnight on Sunday and although the injuries sustained by the victim are not thought to be serious, residents have raised further concerns about criminal activity locally.
Earlier this year The Echo reported on a number of serious incidents of joyriding and stolen cars in the Clondalkin estate, detailing families fears that someone could be hurt.
One resident said: “A stolen car had been driving recklessly and hit someone on the road, this is what people have been worried about.
“There has been a noticeable increase in the Garda presence in the area – knocking on doors and making sure people are in their houses and it is starting to make a difference.”
Despite this residents are worried that the incident in the early hours of Sunday will see the problems resurface.
The issue has also been raised on the Clondalkin Neighbourhood Watch page with residents expressing their anger about the issue.
Gardai could not confirm whether anyone was injured in the incident on Sunday or patrols in the area have been increased.
A resident told The Echo: “For the past number of weeks the Gardai have really been on the ball and responding pretty swiftly to incidents so to me it looks as if the problem is in the court system.
“These young people who are robbing cars are just getting a tap on the wrists and walking away and doing it again.”
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