402 apartment plans for old Good Counsel lands
An artist impression of the proposed 402 apartments

402 apartment plans for old Good Counsel lands

A NEW RESIDENTIAL development comprising of 402 apartments has been lodged for a site on Taylors Lane and Edmondstown in Ballyboden.

The development will consist of the demolition of the existing former institutional buildings and associated outbuildings on the former Good Counsel lands and former pitch and putt course.

The Lucan-based developer Shannon Homes Dublin Unlimited Company lodged the Large-scale Residential Development (LRD) with South Dublin County Council for the proposed development this week.

The plans include the development for the construction of 402 apartments made up of 39 one-beds, 302 two-beds and 61 three-beds within three blocks ranging in height from two-to-five storeys over basement to lower ground floor. All residential units will be provided with private balconies.

The development Block A is made up of five storeys over basement to lower ground floor providing 118 units while Block B is made up to five storeys over basement providing 123 units while Block C is made up of five storeys over basement to lower ground floor providing 161 units.

The development will also include a creche and two retail units all located within Block A, along with an internal residential communal space located in Block C.

The entrance to the former Good Counsel site

The development will include the provision of a new public park in the north of the site along Taylor’s Lane and will include 290 car parking spaces and 1,054 cycle parking spaces provided at basement/surface level.

The plans include for a revised vehicular access from Edmondstown Road and an emergency vehicular access from Taylor’s Lane along with pedestrian/cyclist accesses to and from the site.

The development will include for road improvement works along Edmondstown Road including the existing junction of Scholarstown Road and Edmondstown Road.

The Large-scale Residential Development (LRD) replaces the old Strategic Housing Development (SHD) lodged through An Bord Pleanala.

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