Council request info on plans for 400 houses on Citywest site
By Laura Lyne
ADDITIONAL information has been requested on a planning application that will see 400 houses developed in Citywest, if approved by South Dublin County Council.
As previously reported in The Echo, the application was submitted by Talarive Ltd and is for the development of 340 houses and 60 apartments, new vehicular access points to the site and for the demolition of a dwelling currently located in the southwest corner of the site.
The additional information was requested on June 26 and relates to the density levels of the development and the design of apartment blocks A and B which conflict with the requirements of the local area plan.
A reconfiguration of apartment block D is also requested to fit the requirements of the local area plan, and corner typologies for a number of units located within the development.
Varied materials and finishes are also requested to be included in the development for areas of importance such as landmarks, areas of civic importance and commercial and community buildings.
A review of the open space areas is also requested, along with the omission of specific boundary treatments submitted with the plans for the site.
Car parking facilities and cycling facilities have also been requested to be reviewed, along with further details on roads and access infrastructure.
The applicant has six months from the date of decision (June 26) to submit the additional information, or the application will be considered withdrawn.