Flying the Gaelbhratach flag for St Mark’s school
By Laura Lyne
ST MARK’S community school became the first school in South County Dublin to be awarded the Gaelbhratach (Irish Flag) last Friday, with Mayor Sarah Holland raising the flag for the school.
She was joined by a number of special guests at the event, including Antoinette Nic Gearailt, President of the Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools (ACCS), Aodhán Ó Deá, Director of Development for Conradh na Gaeilge, as well as members of the Board of Management and former St Mark’s students, the comedian and 2FM presenter, Al Porter, and Liam Regan who has just completed a Masters in Translation Studies at DCU.
Speaking at the event, Mayor Holland said: “I am so proud of the students at Pobalscoil Naomh Mharcais. Their passion for their national language and culture is inspirational.
“Special mention must go to the teachers who have mentored and fostered the children’s love of the language to such an extent that it is spoken naturally throughout the school community without a second thought.”
St Mark’s took part in a number of activities and events over the past two years as part of the Gaelbhratach scheme, including speed dating as Gaeilge on St Valentine’s Day, Christmas carols sung in Irish and an evening of Irish music, song and dance performed for visiting teachers and students from Austria, Denmark and Spain.
A Balla Gaeilge (Irish wall) was also created by students and featured weekly news and gossip and an online Pobal na Gaeilge page on social learning network Edmodo was also set up by students to detail Irish activities and events.
Eithne Coyne, principal of St Mark’s CS said: “The promotion of the Irish language and culture has been a central concern of our school since it was founded in the 1970s and the whole school takes great pride in this wonderful achievement.”