Lidl HQ site will now feature a café and restaurant, plus four new units
By Laura Lyne
FURTHER plans for the site of the new Lidl headquarters located off Main Road, Tallaght, have been submitted to South Dublin County Council and will see the current Lidl store relocated to a new building.
The application, which was submitted on November 20, will see the construction of a new building with over 2,800 sq.m. of floor area to accommodate the relocation of the existing food store with a new format.
As part of the application, the current Lidl store will be divided and reconfigured to accommodate a 335 sq.m. café and restaurant and four retail and commercial units with an overall floor space of 1,280 sq.m.
Changes to a previously approved application for the site are also included, with the relocation of the proposed pocket park and the existing vehicular access point to the site to 72m westward of its current location with a reconfiguration of the internal road and car park.
As part of the revised car-park design, an additional 30 car-parking spaces from the previously approved 110 spaces will be included.
Permission for signage for each building and landscaping and boundary treatments are also sought as part of the application.
Work on the new Lidl headquarters began back in March 2014 and when completed will see over 200 of the supermarket chain’s staff relocated from Newbridge to Tallaght.
Permission for the development was originally granted back in 2011, and was revised in 2013 to scale down the original proposal.
Objections were originally submitted against the application which included suggestions from residents such as the capping of the development’s height at two storeys, pushing its street frontage back and bringing forward the pocket park to the front of the development for use by the local community.
Third-party submissions on the application will be accepted until January 4, 2016 with a decision on the application expected by January 23, 2016.