Opposition to nursing home plans
By Laura Lyne
CONCERNS surrounding the development of a 100-bed nursing home on a site located on Tymon North Road continue to be raised by local residents and councillors, despite a submission of additional information on the planning application by the HSE.
The additional information, which was submitted last week, included a 3D image of the proposed nursing home building to be located adjacent to the local scout’s den.
Concerns previously raised about the development include the loss of sunlight and the loss of property value in the area, the overbearing impact of the development, inadequate car parking provision, an increase in traffic and the loss of privacy due to the proposed roof gardens.
AAA councillor Mick Murphy submitted an observation on the application, and raised concerns about the development which he said should match a similar development at Kiltipper Woods.
Cllr Murphy told The Echo: “I can confirm because I measured it that the building being proposed is four metres wider and a metre longer than the basketball arena.
“The building is given as 68 metres long and 42 metres wide on the drawings in the planning file. The basketball arena is 67 metres long and 38 metres wide.
“To be clear, if the council give permission for this application given that the additional information it requested is now back, we will meet with local residents and argue it be appealed to An Bord Pleanála.
“Clearly a building of this scale does not constitute a village, but rather is way over-development of the site and we will oppose this all the way.
“We proposed in our submission that something much less intrusive such as the Nursing Home design of Kiltipper Woods be considered.”
A decision on the application following the submission of additional information by the applicant is due from South Dublin County Council by July 30.