Rock stage, historical walks, and American fire trucks
At the Lucan Festival

Rock stage, historical walks, and American fire trucks

LUCAN Festival 2024 promises to be the best one yet, showcasing a range of activities, plus some new additions such as an inaugural chess tournament.

Residents are encouraged to register for the chess tournament, which is categorised for different age groups, and takes place from September 3-5 at Ballyowen Castle & Youth Community Centre.

Overall, Lucan Festival takes place from September 2 to 8. The annual event features food/craft stalls, bouncy castles, American fire trucks, Garda display unit, the annual duck race, a rock stage, face painters, historical village walks, and a woolly farm.

Murder on Chapel Hill, a Lucan Drama presentation in Courtneys will be on for a number of showings during the week.

The Lucan Festival family fun day takes place on Sunday, September 8, from 12.30pm to 17.30pm.

Temporary road closures will be in place to facilitate the family fun day from 11am to 7pm.

No cars will be allowed in the village. Check Lucan Festival Facebook page for updates.

Lucan Tidy Towns have been working very hard in recent months to maintain the cleanliness of the village and ask festival visitors to help keep the village clean.

Lucan Festival annual fireworks display is on Friday, September 6, scheduled to light up at approximately 9pm.

The area at the Weir is open to the public from 7.45pm until 9.20pm.

Lucan Festival first started in 2009 as a weekend event, but has grown now to be a six/seven day festival.

Joe Byrne, Chairman of Lucan Festival, previously told The Echo that the big news this year is the purchase of Lucan House and grounds by South Dublin County Council.

“We would like to show our appreciation to the many Italian Ambassadors who very kindly allowed the Festival to hold events in the grounds over the years,” said Mr Byrne.

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