Safety measures to be installed near school exits
By Brendan Grehan
SOUTH DUBLIN County Council have installed various traffic measures to tackle road safety issues near the entrance to Holy Spirit National Schools (formerly St Paul’s) in Greenhills.
Traffic has substantially increased in the area due to the merger between St Paul’s and St Peter’s. Following representations from the school and others, including Councillor Dermot Looney, to the council and the gardaí, SDCC have put a number of measures in place.
Additional barriers have been provided at pedestrian exits to prevent children running straight on to the road. Bollards have been installed to prevent drivers crossing the footpath from the laneway across the road onto Limekiln Lane.
Following a meeting with the school, parents, the community garda and SDCC Road Safety Officer, on January 12 last, a number of new measures have been recommended.
The Council will install flexible bollards at the junction of Fernhill Rd and Limekiln Lane to prevent illegal and dangerous parking at this location.They have agreed to re-assess the need to provide an additional school warden (lollipop person) once the bollards have been installed.
The council will seek to mark parking spaces near to the church to regularise parking at this location.
Cllr Looney told The Echo that he attended the Council’s Traffic Management Meeting for the area last week.
He said: “ I asked that a number of other measures be considered, which were agreed at the meeting. The council are to further investigate the need to provide traffic calming and other measures on the laneway to the rear of St Gerard’s Road, given incidents which have occurred there.”
Cllr Looney said the Gardaí will be carrying out enforcement of illegal/dangerous parking further down Limekiln Lane between junctions with Fernhill Rd/St Patrick’s Rd and St Peter’s Rd/Greentrees Rd which are causing significant issues in the area.