Students unravel the mystery of the science behind super-heroes
By Mary Dennehy
STUDENTS from St Aidan’s Community School in Brookfield unlocked the mysteries of superhero science this week, when they learned about the secrets behind the powers.
Students smashed science this week when they took flight from their text books and engaged in a super-hero-led, science adventure – which looked at the science behind the superpowers of their favourite superheroes.
Led by Limerick physicist Dr Barry Fitzgerald, who launched his new book Secrets of Superhero Science in St Aidan’s on Monday, the engaging workshops looked at superheroes, the science used in the movies and the very real science being carried out in today’s world – which Dr Fitzgerald believes will see an Iron Man suit being a reality within the next 15 years.
Dr Fitzgerald told The Echo: “I introduce students to the idea that it will be possible to create superpowers in the very near future.
“Young people are interested in superhero movies and can relate to them, which means it is easy to engage them in workshops.
“The primary aim of the workshops is to present science in a very interesting, novel and fun way.
“We talk about the superheroes and the movies and then smuggle in the science.”
Dr Fitzgerald, who is a massive superhero fan himself, added: “These films ground everything in today and they are constantly evolving to reflect what is happening in the real world.
“They provide the perfect starting point to learn about science and the idea was sparked while I was working in science education and was trying to think of ways to communicate science to both young people and adults.
“It really kicked off a few months ago when I self-published my book Secrets of Superhero Science.
“I’m now visiting schools and really enjoy it – I absolutely love it.
“I had a great time in St Aidan’s this week and it’s great to get a chance to talk with students about the workshops – and the St students in St Aidan’s also interviewed me as part of one of the workshops.”
Dr Fitzgerald visited St Aidan’s last year as well, after which students wrote and published a sci-fi book called Cyborg Revolution, a novella about artificial intelligence – and which was exhibited in the Dublin Civic Offices as part of Make a Book 2016.
For further information on Secrets of Superhero Science, which is visiting more Dublin schools this week, go to or email info [at] bwscience [dot] com
The book is also available to buy on the website.