Taxi crashes into house as driver held at knife point by three men
A FAMILY is this week homeless after a taxi-driver crashed into the front of their house while being robbed at knife point in Jobstown – an incident which has left the taxi-driver with minor injuries and the family in fear that their home is “structurally unsound”.
On Sunday at 4.45pm, a taxi-driver had three men travelling in his car when one of the passengers threatened him at knife point – resulting in the taxi speeding into the front of a family bungalow on Kiltalown View.
The three men managed to flee the scene in the direction of Kiltalown Park, leaving both the taxi-man and home-owner in shock.
Elaine Green, who lives in the house, told The Echo: “I was in my house when I heard a huge bang and ran out to find a car crashed into the front of my house – and a taxi-driver who was really shook up.
“I have two children and my nine-year-old had been playing in the front garden only five minutes before the accident.
For the ful story see page 16 of this Week’s Echo.