Two-storey health care unit for Peamount
Echo Reporter
PEAMOUNT Healthcare has been granted permission for the development of a new two-storey healthcare unit that can accommodate 100 people, which will be linked to the hospital's rehabiliatation ward.
It was granted permission on March 21, and is for the development of the unit which also includes ancillary healthcare services, pharmacy and staff facilities.
Within the planning permission is provision for the redistribution of existing car parking spaces on the site and the demolition of the disused St Mary’s Ward building.
An letter in support of the application was submitted by Fine Gael councillor William Lavelle.
Conditions attached to the grant of permission include a reduction in height for the ward, a redesign of the area between the proposed car park and the Manor House (a protected structure) and the relocation of any bat roosts that are discovered in St Mary’s Ward before its demolition.
In its application, Peamount Healthcare said: “The development will secure Peamount’s future role in providing HIQA registered residential care to older people and people with disabilities, and will enable Peamount to continue as an important referral point for rehabilitation to its acute hospital partners, general practicioners and the community.”
It was recommended in a brief as part of Peamount Healthcare’s Five Year Strategy 2008-2013 and is part of the Peamount Healthcare Campus Master Plan which was published in October 2014.