Appeal lodged against Harvey Norman plans
By Brendan Grehan
TALLAGHT-based coffee merchant Robert Roberts have appealed to An Bord Pleanála against planning permission granted to retailer Harvey Norman for retail warehousing at the Airton Road Retail Park in Tallaght, reports Brendan Grehan.
The permission comprised of four areas of mezzanine floors comprising a total of 419 sq.m. within the envelope of the existing building for use as staff, ancillary and equipment accommodation.
It also included the erection of a single-storey stand-alone café building of 218 sq.m. with 60 sq.m. external seating area; the erection of illuminated fascia signage to the front elevations of the café.
Also on the apllication for planning permission was the creation of additional parking and internal access areas, including reconfiguration of existing car park to provide 257 car-parking spaces and 42 cycle-park stands; hard and soft landscaping and the creation of new access and road improvements to Greenhills Road.
The improvements to the Greenhills Road include lane-widening, provision of cycle lane, righthand-turn lanes, traffic lights, pedestrian and cycle crossing points and traffic management systems.