Check out this week’s Echo Jobs and Training – 26 October 2017 edition

Check out this week’s Echo Jobs and Training – 26 October 2017 edition

In the latest update from the Echo Jobs and training pages, there are offerings from a host of local organisations.

These include: Windsor Motor Group, PNL Security, Specsavers Liffey Valley

As always, if you have a job, recruitment opportunity or training programme you would like to advertise then contact us today.

Echo online recruitment ad edit 021117



BK084 PNL Security 191017




BK085 Ronanstown CTEC 261017


BK089 Tyremaster 261017


BK090a St Killians Enrolment 261017


BK090b St Killians Cleaner 261017


EK30 Specsavers 261017


EK659 Windsor 191217


EK896 ITT 170mm x 265mm

 EM1034 Qs Snooker Club REC 260117


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