Issues raised over upkeep and maintenance of Tallaght Village
By Mary Dennehy
COMMUNITY volunteers are hoping that the Tallaght town centre has a brighter and better maintained New Year, with an emphasis being placed on the condition of the Charlie O’Toole Bridge – which stretches across the approach road into Tallaght.
Tallaght Community Council (TCC) has raised a number of issues around the maintenance and upkeep of Tallaght Village and its environs in the hope of putting pressure on South Dublin County Council to invest in the historic hub in 2018 – or to make contact with management companies or other organisations responsible for the areas highlighted.
First on the list is the Charlie O’Toole Bridge which, stretching over the N81, according to TCC, receives “no maintenance”.
According to Tara De Buitlear, TCC PRO: “The highly visible structure on the approach to Tallaght, has had four to five glass panels missing for over six months.
“The sections are currently blocked up using orange plastic road barriers.
“These are not suitable as a medium / long term solution.
“The barriers are cable tied to the bridge – which raises serious safety concerns for the many pedestrians going to and from schools daily.”
She added: “The bridge cleansing and maintenance is highly infrequent to non-existent.
“The wooden handrails along the south leg were never sealed, so they are rotting and need urgent attention to avoid a complete replacement.
“The soft landscaping at the foot of the bridge in Priors Gate has never been pruned since the bridge opened, so the ground covered shrubbery is now almost as high as the trees.
“The graffiti on the brickwork has been there again for over 6 months.
“The walkway is never swept and has led to an accumulation of years of cigarette butts and small litter items and grime along it.”
The community council has also raised the issue of the large wooden planter boxes in the Belgard Square West, which are located on a busy walkway and beside a number of restaurants.
“It is disappointing to say the least that 16 months after we first raised the issue of the 12 concrete boxes and cut trees in one of the primary walkways in the town centre – they are still in situ”, Ms De Buitlear said.
“These rotting wooden boxes of concrete add nothing to the public realm in this area, which should be proactively an attractive space given the number of restaurants operating there. It has a heavy footfall from socialising locals and visitors from the local hotels.”
Ms De Buitlear also said that the planters, which fall under the responsibility of the management company, are now being used as bins – which does not create “a positive first impression of the area.”
To follow the campaigns of TCC visit the Tallaght Community Council Facebook page.