Live register figures are down 1,084 on last month
By Brendan Grehan
THE NUMBERS SIGNING on the live register in September 2017 were down by 1,084 from August in the four social welfare offices in the county in keeping with the national trend.
Those signing on at Tallaght, Nutgrove, Ballyfermot and Clondalkin all fell.
Nationally, on a seasonally adjusted basis the Live Register total recorded a monthly decrease of 300 (-0.1 per cent ) in September 2017, reducing the seasonally adjusted total to 249,200.
The number of persons on the Live Register in September 2017 is also the lowest number recorded in the seasonally adjusted series since September 2008.
In unadjusted terms there were 244,319 persons signing on the Live Register in September 2017. This represents an annual decrease of 41,784 (-14.6 per cent). On a seasonally adjusted basis the Live Register showed a monthly decrease of 1,500 (-1.0 per cent) males in September 2017, while females increased by 1,200 (+1.1 per cent ) over the same period
The number of male claimants decreased by 26,402 (-15.9 per cent to 140,120 in the year to September 2017, while female claimants decreased by 15,382 (-12.9 per cent ) to 104,199. This compares with a decrease of 30,863 (-15.6 per cent) to 166,522 for males, while female claimants decreased by 15,504 (-11.5 per cent ) to 119,581 in the year to September 2016.
In Tallaght, the total signing on fell from 7,496 in August to 7,000 in June, a drop of 496.
There was a decrease of 78 among the under 25s with 1,065 signing on in September and 1,143 signing on in August.
In Nutgrove, the total signing fell from 3,039 in August to 2,748 in September, a drop of 291.
Among the under 25s, there was a decrease of 38 with 200 signing on in August and 162 signing on in September.
In Ballyfermot, the total signing on fell by 149 with 2,357 signing on in August and 2,208 signing on in September. The figures for the under 25s fell by 47 with 397 signing on in August and 350 in September.
In Clondalkin, the total signing fell by 148 from 4,959 signing on in August to 4,811 signing on in September. Among the under 25s there was a drop of eight with 632 signing on in August and 624 signing on in September.