Pete the Vet and Kiko cross the Red Line for animal welfare
By Mary Dennehy
IRELAND’s best known veterinary surgeon Pete Wedderburn, aka Pete the Vet, is visiting Tallaght with his trusty side-kick Kiko the terrier to answer animal-related questions as part of this year’s Red Line Book Festival.
A respected animal advocate, Pete has for the past 11 years appeared every Wednesday on TV3’s Ireland AM and is also the resident vet on Newstalk’s Pat Kenny Show, a contributor on East Coast Radio and Spirit Radio and a prolific writer, including newspaper columns, blogging and his own books.
Pete, who is also a leading voice in relation to animal welfare, is this month coming to the Civic Theatre as part of the Red Line Book Festival – and, ahead of his visit, took five to speak with The Echo newspaper.
Do you remember your first pet?