Vandals set fire to base of CCTV
By Maurice Garvey
Vandals attacked CCTV cameras in Cherry Orchard in the lead-up to Halloween – forcing Dublin Fire Brigade to respond to a fire at one of the cameras earlier this month.
The base of a CCTV camera in Croftwood was set on fire and when Dublin Fire Brigade responded, the ensuing water short-circuited the wires in the camera, putting the camera out of action.
Authorities have already spent €80,000 this year, repairing another camera at the junction of Cherry Orchard Avenue/Drive – which was knocked down by a stolen truck in May.
The cameras are considered vitally important to combat organised crime and anti-social behaviour.
Sinn Féin councillor Daithí Doolan said the incident cast a shadow over Halloween festivities in the area, and fears the camera could take longer to fix if it requires the involvement of the ESB.
“It is appalling what happened, with the dark nights upon us, these cameras provide an important public service,” said Cllr Doolan.
“The ESB must ensure any repair work is carried out as a matter of urgency. Those who attacked the camera are a disgrace.
“It is an attack on the whole community. But the community spirit during Halloween has shown that these hooligans will not win.
“This is a great community with lots to offer.”
Overall, Halloween in Ballyfermot passed off without any major incidents, as work by authorities in recent years, continues to pay dividends.
Cllr Doolan said: “The night was much quieter than previous years with hundreds of young people participating in the many family events organised by Dublin City Council.
“Much of the success was down to the close working relationship between gardai, city council and local residents.”