Whitechurch Lodge to be sub-divided into two four-bedroom units

Whitechurch Lodge to be sub-divided into two four-bedroom units

PROPOSALS to sub-divide Whitechurch Lodge in Rathfarnham into two four-bedroom residential units have been granted planning permission, while other proposals which formed part of the application have been refused.

Permission has been granted to Heatherbrook Homes WCL to sub-divide Whitechurch Lodge to provide two four-bedroom dwelling houses, at 240 sq m and 244 sq m respectively, with three and two car parking spaces respectively.

Whitechurch Lodge 1

The works to Whitechurch Lodge will also include the demolition of single-storey sheds and outhouses along the eastern boundary, and a two-storey 1970’s extension to the north and two-storey return to the east.

Some of the conditions of the planning permission which has been granted includes the retention and protection of existing trees from damage during the works, and the single occupation and use of the dwelling units which shall not be subdivided or used for any commercial purposes.

Meanwhile plans for four terrace dwellings, one detached dwelling and associated works which formed part of the same planning application have been refused by South Dublin County Council.

The council outlined a number of reasons for the refusal of planning permission, which included a potential risk of flooding and the “cramped” location that would be caused by the dwellings and their associated car parking spaces, which would adversely impact the setting of Whitechurch Lodge, which is a protected structure.

The council also refused planning permission on the basis that the structure would compromise the visual amenity of the area, it would not be sympathetic to the special character and integrity of the protected structure, and a deficiency in Green Infrastructural methods which would take into account environmental considerations in relation to the nearby River Glin.

The application was lodged by Heatherbrook Homes WCL last December.

EK492 ODwyer English 090317

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