Tag: Old Bawn

“It’s hard to put into words how we feel. We will be forever in their debt”

“It’s hard to put into words how we feel. We will be forever in their debt”


By Mary DennehyMARINA Jordan Killoran has raised more than €130,000 for life-saving treatment in the States, with the family extending a massive ...

Marina’s story touches the hearts of the Irish people

Marina’s story touches the hearts of the Irish people


By Mary DennehyTALLAGHT mother Marina Jordan Killoran’s plea for support to save her life went viral this week, with hundreds of people ...

Race against time for Marina’s treatment

Race against time for Marina’s treatment


By Mary DennehyTHE husband of a Tallaght mother who is trying to raise €110,000 for life-saving treatment in America has re-issued his ...

Council slated for refusing to talk to residents

Council slated for refusing to talk to residents


By Mary DennehySOUTH Dublin County Council has come under fire for refusing to talk with residents about its plan to buy properties ...

Race against time to raise €110,000 for US treatment

Race against time to raise €110,000 for US treatment


By Mary DennehyA TALLAGHT mother is in a race against time to raise more than €110,000 in three months, so that she ...

Legendary cabaret artiste’s life and music remembered and celebrated

Legendary cabaret artiste’s life and music remembered and celebrated


By Mary DennehyONE of the country’s cabaret legends took his final bow on February 17, when the well-known Tallaght performer and father-of-five, ...

Uptown Punk wins way to final of Junk Kouture

Uptown Punk wins way to final of Junk Kouture


By Laura LyneA TALENTED aspiring fashion designer from Old Bawn Community School has made it to the regional final of the Junk ...

Residents bogged down over new pavilion

Residents bogged down over new pavilion


By Laura LyneRESIDENTS in Old Bawn and Parkwood met with South Dublin County Council at a public meeting on the proposed sports ...

‘Occult’ symbol etched in grass

‘Occult’ symbol etched in grass


By Mary DennehyCONCERNS have been raised over the appearance of a “disturbing symbol” on a grass mound in Sean Walsh Park, close ...

Helen celebrates ‘Being Alive’ in show business for 50 years

Helen celebrates ‘Being Alive’ in show business for 50 years

Human Interest Stories

By Mary DennehyCELEBRATING 50 years in showbiz, Helen Jordan has over the decades encouraged many young people onto the stage – including ...